this is me.

My photo
a place for reminiscing my old memories as i grow older and wiser.hopefully, will be great if you walk in my shoes first before you judge me

Sunday, October 11, 2009

open house aain.yeay

haih lame sungguh x jmpe besfren aku sorg ni.hish bwt aku rindu terpendam je kat kau ni aain

haha sbb ak blek minggu ni ak pon btolak dr umah je tross.jln pon cm ingt2 lupe but thanks to ayah yg x byk komplen.akhernye smpi pon umh aain x sesat pon weeh.sugoi gile aku *ckp ngn nada riak.haha btmbh semangat weh nk wat lesen ni.x sabaaaa.cepatlah kasik saya time nk wat lesen, nk belagak ngn my fren yg saya pon leh gak drive.haha

ok2 back to the main story;

sampai umh aain agak lmbt ah but mekaseh kwn2 sume sbb sudi tnggu aku.heee aku tau korg sume pon rindu nk jmpe aku kan kan kan? takyah malu2, cakap je weh.and2 era n zatie.heee ak tau korg taknak kua dwet blek um so marilah kite bsame2 g um.jimattt wohh naek kakak aku.ayat pancing di situ.haha

jmpe aain, zatie, mira, naebshed, era, pian and alan.seronot kott da lame x jmpe.wahhh

sgt sebok ber-camera-whoring smpi x hengat dunia

then ptg2 sket g mines plak.haha bak kate pepatah alang2 myeluk pkasam bia smpi ke pangkal ketiak.err part ketiak uh kak yu yg aja haa.tatau ayokk marah DBP kang.heee

then g secret recipe mkn kek pian blanje.woooh seronot kne blanje kek mahal ni.rase bahagia bagai dunia ni ak yg punye.err cm merapok sket dow.haha

ape2 la yg penting kami happy sudeyy.

p/s - today birthday kakak syg kak long, HAPPY BIRTHDAY bebeh.i lap u dem muchh!moge pnjg umur murah rezeki.and be happy in everything u do.gambarre~