this is me.

My photo
a place for reminiscing my old memories as i grow older and wiser.hopefully, will be great if you walk in my shoes first before you judge me

Saturday, January 24, 2009

dou? dou? tanoshikatta soubetsukaiii nite.

nyaa.mlm ni pon smpai.

a nite dedicated for our senpaitachi.that nite me pkai yukata ohh.haha mule2 ok la kot.then that nite time lucky draw uh ade ke patot din tinggalkn aku kt blkg n the most humiliating moment kain yukata uh bole la plak tsangkut kt chair im so BLOODY HELL malu nak mampus okeyy.makk tolong.itu okey lagi but yg takley blah knape aku msty dlm klam kabut uh ckp "oh mak kau!" ya allah bapak malu aku dow.haaa tolong2 sensei sume tgk.aku sgt x ley lupe.haha gile kenangan 'terindah' but fortunately that nite bjalan dgn ok n smooth.haha tak sgka plak bole jd cm agk perfect la.alhamdulillah hehe guys korg mmg hebat la.kte pon next year kne gambarre habes2an n g that event next year ok.insyaAllah key.

next2.our picss :P

p/s i have some problem when uploading my pic, as a result hanye pic ini yg kua.harap maklum