every year saye tnggu tarikh ni sbb nk dpt call free.hahaha seronot kan kan kan?
but this year x seronot sgt sbb bz n i can only use the free call given by maxis at night lah.alalalala nvrmind as long as ade ok la kn.syukur je la!
hahaa tepat kol 12.sy dpt mesej bduyun2.mekaseh korang sbb ingat.heee
tapi kan mak lg advance, mse kol 10 lg da wish sbb takot dh tdo time 12 mlm.hahaha lawak je.haha thanks mak and not to forget ayah yg wish pkol 12.sgt tharu bace msej ayah.well, as expected, language teacher sgt hebat berbahasa kot.hahaha! im proud to be ur daughter.sbb mak n ayah lah angah ade peluang hidup kat muke bumi ni! sbb mak and ayah gak angah boleh survive smpi skrg.thanks sbb support angah time susah n senang.
i will always love you! sayangggg mak n ayah! muah muah!
thanks Allah for ur great present; my parents, my siblings n my friends and everyone around me! thanks for lending me ur great great nikmat, health.alhamdulillah!
and and dlm kol 12 my frens kat AAJ (lysa, syu, ijah, nad, tira, afia) wish birthday.thanks korang sbb ingat.hehe
then dlm kol 1 lebey sachin si buncit mengetuai rombongan otoko AAJ calling2! haha thanks for the amazing 'merdu' happy birthday song.hahaha tak sangka korg ingt! mekaseh mekaseh.terharu sgt kot rasenye.siap nyanyi rmai2 kat bilik ban.seb baek aku x lepak kat luar.hahahaha neway, best la korg nyanyi.cam ala2 arashi.ceceh.haha ni metafora ke? haha da luppe! ayahhh tolong
and aku da jd 19 thn.im getting older; makin besar makin matured la kot.KOTT.haha bile la ak nk matured ni.adehh
ok2 from now on, nk study smart for the becoming EJU.everyone yg rajin bace smpi abes entry yg bosan ni, kalo anda rajen doakn la saye bjayye ke JEPUN yeh.insyaAllah lg brape bln lg kne gambarre habis habisan.amin!
p/s - entry skg da kurg japanese sbb rmai komen x paham.LOL hahah ;D
Jual Obat Kuat Pria Tahan Lama Terpercaya 2019
5 years ago
kongasam ko kate aku kurg ikhlas!
hahahaha =D
btw, hepi besday k!
kene jd matang. ni asek cengeng2 jek!
muakakakak =D
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