this is me.

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a place for reminiscing my old memories as i grow older and wiser.hopefully, will be great if you walk in my shoes first before you judge me

Monday, October 25, 2010


ade asean sports festival.

team mesia diwakili oleh dak2 gunma yg bwk psukan sorak x rasmi.haha
before pegi kat tempat match die kat tokyo ktorg lepak mamam tengah ari kat tabehoudai kt shimokitazawa ni.1st time beb g tokyo nek kete yg addin bwk la.aha thanks pd gps kete yg berjasa sampai gak le.dah makan tahap gaban nye kenyang ktorg btolak le g tmpt uh.

sampai tmpt uh jmpe rmai ah ryuugakusei dr serata tempat kt jepun especially asean country la sbb ade asean sports festival kan.

mse ktorg smpi tgh ade match badminton.tgk skjap je sempat

next, ade basketball match plak.dak2 gunma yg x bertauliah n just nak suke2 men represent mesia tuh.haha akhernye dpt gak diorg jmpe geng dr mesia yg dipungut on the spot kt sane.haha ade la jugak reserved in case player penat ke kann.

and2 lpas dh lwn, team mesia menang tmpt 3 dr 5 team.yeayy dgn x practise nye kire mmg impressive ah gaks.haha

tepukan pada pasukan corak x sengaja dr gunma terdiri dr ein, pja and zati.agagaga

ohh and team philippines yg menang basketball.ktorg pon sokong sbb diorg sangat best!
and yeay dpt gak prektis ckp english yg gilaa lamaaa x cakap.rindu plak ;p