this is me.
- .ein
- a place for reminiscing my old memories as i grow older and wiser.hopefully, will be great if you walk in my shoes first before you judge me
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
ye dia datang.again
sengal.aku bgun dr tdo pastuh da rse cm x sdap hati.pehal mate ni?
alaaaa kne sakit mate balik la.ehe
sori doc; salah saye kot x makan antibiotik smpi abes.ehe
then g la klinik um pstuh doc x bg cuti.ehe gile tseksa aku doh.mlm uh mate jd merah bangat cm meriam pontianak.ahahaha
gle berair mate kanji still kne go on gak bengong.
n n kak long; thanks kol aku smlm.hehe kurg tension aku lps x dpt mc dr doc uh.hahaha
for those yg sms ak smlm; sory no mxis cm bengong.hahaha
Saturday, March 28, 2009
i'm waiting for you.aiseh
at the same time, im so missing my laptop
kak long tolong la saye,
skrang da gian ni.demam rindu pon samelah
nak laptop balik.
nak tengok ARASHI.esp my baby sho sakurai n ohno satoshi.ehe
oppss yamapi pon rindu gak;
so dont expect me to online 24/7 like always key, i didnt hav laptop with me.
babai blog, im on hiatus again.lalalallala
Friday, March 27, 2009
td sy tnye mak;
'mak, kalo mak mak nak keje ke blja?'
'mak nak blaja pandai2 pastuh keje bgus2, rilek sket.'
ehe, so guys mehla blaja.yeppa, best uh blaja.*muahahaha
goin back UM today.with a lot of homework.
return to my busy-hectic-life-though-everybody-love-it.ngahahaha
Thursday, March 26, 2009
i miss my memories
* hugssssss xoxoxoxo
yess nabshd i enjoyed my high school life;
Bio Data
1) Which school did you go to?
SMK Jalan 4
SMK Bdr Baru Salak Tinggi
SMK Dengkil
SBPI Gombak
2) What classes were you in?
class in integomb lah ingat. 1fikrah, 2alkhawarizmi, 3albiruni, 4ibnu nafis, 5ibnunafis.same classes with nbshd for 5 yrs in a row.
3) What was/were your favourite lesson(s)?
emm.chemistry kott
4) If you could remember, what time was your recess?
either 1010 or 1040 lah.
5) List down your favourite food/snacks.
ikan keli.haha
1) Did you have a nickname way back in high school?
ein, ieiyn.same pronunciation yea
2) How did you wear your socks?
x colourful pon.ehe like ordinary one.
3) Have you been suspended due to the way you put on your uniform? bdk baik kott tp tak suke blek ostel on time.haha
4) Were you given plenty of reminders about your appearance?
haha.not really but on how i manage my time ntok blek i hate anything related with time management.lalala
5) Who did you look up to when you were in high school?
my bff.thanks korg
1) Name one memorable scene where you were punished in front of the whole class.
err.cant rmmbr.i told ya, sy bdk baik.haha but ade ngn pn fauziah sbb kua wif parents aain walhal die da ckp jgn kua wif parents org laen tht week.ala same je.mak aain mak aku gak ape.lg2 ade skali uh, kne msk bilik die sbb die anta notice kt cigu klass nk jmpe aku.cuak2 haha pstuh da start pok pek pok cigu,thanks.
2) How many times did you skip class? What were you doing?
ehe.always! especially kalo nak dkt sports day, sbg QM yg bjayye itulah keje kami.kan kwn2 QM.wahaha
3) Give one scene where you escaped from being caught/punished.
emm, cm gile je.cigu msk ostel walhal ktorg still lepak2 sbb kami cuti.ehe x sngke plak die naek.lari2 ktorg sume.hahaha best gak
4) Did you vandalize any school property?
emm.kat lab ade la, lps pecah larikkk
5) Did you ever make any teacher cry? bdk baik.
1) Who were your favourite teachers?
cigu aini aka my macik n cigu zainiyah.ehe rinduu cigu
2) Describe your DM.
ari ape ek yg x sdap?.mknn cm penjara tp ade ayam msk merah n nsk aym sdapp.
3) Who was the funniest/weirdest/loudest teacher?
funniest; ustzh ct,
weirdest; ehe cigu shahril gak la.
loudest; the one n only cgu patiah.hehe
Social Circle
1) Were you popular back then?
2) Were you in a big group of boys/girls or small ones?
big big group.
3) Who were your best friends?
aain, fazz, nbshd, pika, malina, yana, nisah geng2 alkey.haha
4) Did you and your friends have nicknames?
im afraid, yeah
5) What were you favourite memories of you and your friends?
Co-curricular Activities
1) What type of CCA were you in?
malas nak list but quite a number la.agagaga
2) What did you have to bring to your CCA?
bring myself n note la bile jd secretary.haha
3) What did your CCA required you to do?
attend the meeting pon okehh.
4) Got injured?
eh, kaki sakit after netball.lps urut, okehh
Closing Ceremony
1) How did high school changed you?
turn me from nobody to somebody now.
2) Sing one verse of your school song.
nabshd, thnx aku copy paste je;
putra putri bganding bahu
bsama mnuntut ilmu
mnuju arah satu
di psada ilmu
klgn ckal bsahsiah tpuji
bnar tpat & efektif
kkuatan mnda djana
nadi pnggerak jaya
sbpi gombak cmerlang
graknya trancang
optimis capai impian
btatah gmilang
di psada ilmu
3) What was your favourite question?
warden sape? kalo dtg gtao tau,*smbil meletakkn kpla kat meje dgn syahdunya.
4) Who/what will you remember from your high school?
my batch; rindunye la haiii
5) Any memories you will not forget.
anything involved us as integombian, especially nk dkat spm, sgt tension but wth the help of my frens, our batch did it.ehe rinduuuuu
smoge korg bjaya!! gud luck
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
knot of tension in my stomach
but my homework like omg bnyk nak mampus.hehe ni pon bru nak wat kagaku.lalala
suugaku lgsung x sntuh
nihongo pon lgsungg
butsuri lg la zenzen sawaranai da yo ne;
dictionary : kagaku-chemistry; suugaku-math; nihongo-bhse jepun; butsuri-my fav suj physics
and the worst part is, sy malas n skg tgh bz mcarik lagu boys before flowers plak.yeah im addicted to this kembali tgk cite korea after da lame bangat x tgk.ehe tp cite ni je la.
n da makin2 mnat gle plak kat lee min ho.ya allah hensem gile mamat ni.haha
n n cube la tgk ohh
another one;
these way please as embedded disable by the uploader.tgk sendiri la lagu laen tp best jugak.
p/s- lately my blog entry turned into some worthless pieces as there's nothing special happen in my life and piccamy best part when blogging also getting lesser n x kire jugak, sy nak memblogging jugak.haha n x saba sok nak carik baju kurung.hehe take note; mlm ni msty tdo awal.lalala
Saturday, March 21, 2009
baby kak yani
aha.ats ni tade motif.saje je
back to the main topic, today g umah cik pidah to visit kak yani,yelah mak mude kite la katekan.
aha cm x caye je dlu2 kte men same2 skg kak yani da jd mak da.ececece same ngn kak jiji.time passes by, everything change, we're getting older every second in our life, tak lame lagi da tua.haha
btw, her name is dania raihana err anyone,correct me here if im wrong.
my cuz ckp die kuat nanges sket, but i think it's natural as a baby girl kot.emm dunno i didnt have any good experience bout those stuff but yeah i think so.
baby uh sgt kecik, comel but i dont have enuff courage to hold her.ehe awak kecik sgt, macik x branik la sygg.haha
spt biase kalo g umah cik pidah jmpe la geng2 saye kat sane, nina nuni
haha nina spt biase membragging her dbsk, suju, ss501, n other korean stuff kat sy.lps uh dgn penuh banggenye sy pon mengcopy paste msuk ke dlm psp ayeep ayeep thanks.again i always forget to bring my thumdrv everytime we have a visit to cik pidah's house take note here, again and again, silly mistake.
lpas tgk her suju pv uh mulela nina jd sensei ajar gaye suju membegging sorry2 dlm pv uh.aha nina sewel kot.
lg satu, nak puji sket diorg, nina bwt apple crumble n nuni dgn rajennye msk kopok lekor yg so hott wondergirls.yeah sedap sgt.
finally balek rumahh, err continue my greatest achievement yet,
im progressing my boys before flowers episodes.ehe see i told ya.greatest achievement.lalala
Friday, March 20, 2009
my new baby. name suggestion please?
pegi wif akk long.hehe im glad my akak baek today err today je la kot bwk pegi sane.eventhough kte gamble je jalan nk g sane but we did it ats jasa baek aku yg hebat.yebedabedu
sampai sane, makk hujanla pulekk.
parking bwh tket bpk mahal.kopak aku, thanks in advance pacikk paking yg siot.ok2 rileks ehe pstuh pg jln nek monorel sbb hujan.yey kami bkn puteri lilin kami puteri aiskerim mlm ni kite njoy, so kne la naek monorel sbb kulit sensetip dgn hujan la, err as a lot of acid rain occur nowadays even here in malaysia.acece nyanyi sket lagu kaji cuace dbsk ala2 sakurai sho bace news ZERO dgn macho.haha gile kot saye ni.*penampar sket.
pstuh mulalah aksi survey menyurvey kak long yg hebat utk mencari my baby to be.kalo bole sume bnde die nk tnye.shadap! hehe mekaseh kakak saye.jasamu dikenang.
last2 decide nak blie the buffalo one.yeppa another one here.inilahxternal hard diskbaby baru saye.
tanda kasih syg mama, pantun;
eventho kamu hitam tapi kamu berkilau,
bile diconnectkan mate kamu memancar kemilau,
kamu kecil cili padi hebat kuat strong enuff,
nampak perfect tiada tandingan,
walaupun kamu x bersuara namun sgala kemahuanmu difahami mamamu,
ye sayang, mama tau kamu nak file2 tuh,
mama gunakan kamu sebaik2nye sygg tunggulah mama sumbatkan,
sayang my baby i love u.
*my baby u r the reason i could fly,
u're the reason i feel so alive
*chorus ehsan marc anthony.timekasih
p/s- sorry this entry biol, mungkin side effect antibiotik klinik nazam yg kuat.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
mata da ok kot
im gonna do some drama review here.hehe im in love with dis drama so sincerely i wrote this entry.aha who cares here
okey guys, some review about this korean drama.though now i rarely watch any kdrama but i decided to watch dis one based on my deep interest in hana yori dango as dis story hold the same storyline like hyd well i guess so.but, who knows as korean version has more than 20 eps so i bet they changed the story at least some of it.
so guys.more info HERE as im not gonna do specific review as i always do lately im lazyno im busy.ehe
p/s - i really so in love with Goo Jun Pyo err the name of the character n his real name is Lee Min Ho. ehe to show my love towards him, dramawiki link also provided. take a look, kakkoii da na. irresistable ehe yamapi, im sorry just a minute neh.aha
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
quickly woke up, went to the mirror n omg omg, mate zombi.
ohh tidak. x percayye! then rase mate berair.ohh tidak; tak nakk
sakit mata
aha; ingatkan sy sorg je saket.haha my kak long pon saket.
kak long on the left eye, me on the right side.haha sep2 gimme five ade geng.yeah
im in deep thinking* if any of these things happen as the consequences of playing like 24/7 at port dickson??
nahh, ayep ngn adek ngn ayah ngan mak sehat je.
kak long, mayb our antibody cant take it.ehe
hey antibody i dunno, mayb our white blood cell didnt work effectively to produce the antibody.err is it the white blood cell? dem! im slowly forgetting the biology's term.alaaa
okeyy antibody, work hard baby! haha
adekah sy gile? tp td da jmpe doc;
an advice; avoid sun, dont go out alaa doc jaat! bru nak kua ngn my fren, sorry korg!
n be like paris hilton; wear the sunglasses.aha really it helps!
p/s - to dahlia hazirah jaafar, thanks 4 ur call.sygg kau rindu kau.emm take care there, blek mesia gtao tau tau.gud luck! (^__^)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
okey stelah skian lame x mengepost entryhaha walhal tak lamelah saya kembali.yeahha
im back.back from hiatus; back from PD.yeah wonderful vacation la baby.
okes, we went there on sunday afternoon with 2 cars kak long ngn ayah nak balik awal.
sampai sane, wow im mesmerized with the resort surrounding.ehe sgt cantik n everybody must've indeed fall in love with the place. sgt cantik okeyy. accomodated with pool as for us, this is the most important condition for any resort or hotel that we're goin to stay; karaokeyy yabedabedu; pingpong table my 1st time life experience with pingpong,thanks to my dad; n pantai yehaa.
the apartment was cool, takyah share room with orang.err xcept for my *lovely sista, really just ignore the fact that she's a human like us.ahaha n the pool sgt cantek, kalo dr bilek usha mmg nampak la.ehe nampak laki ensem bwt diving, actually x pasan pon muke die ensem ke x.but, hebat la bwt pusing2.emm, i guess the appearance is nothing when compared to ur own beautiful talent rite .as long as u've got talent or the fact that some people will choose money, then ur appearance is nothing.ehe agree!
1st day :
# pool.berswimming.yehaa
#went to the beach.ade hanjing,siyes benci
#ping la bersukan.err are u sure? it's ikan bawal besar.yeah umaiiii
#tidur.*rock a by baby on the tree top.lalala
2nd day :
#beach again
#pool again whoring
#exhausted here.get some sleep
#makan.bihun tomyam
3rd day:
#kak long n ayah da balik
#repacked my stuff.hate it
#balik.heh siyes x mau
yeay balik.
err.goin back means i hav to pay a lot of attention towards my homework sygg,
Monday, March 16, 2009
tagged by nabe shid
First name:
Name you wish you had:
no.i love my name.ehe
What do people normally refer to you:
aiya.some people told me that im a bit childish but dunno.find out urself.
2nd sept. 1990
hbkl, kuala lumpur.
Time of birth:
ala.around 10 p.m kott
Single or taken:
virgo girl.
My appearance:
em.simple i guess
How tall are you:
Wish you were taller:
Eye color :
Current hair color: always
Short or long hair:
short to be.haha
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color:
Last time you did something dramatic with you hair:
garu kepala.yeay
Glasses or contacts:
glasses.sbb mata sy maseh elok siket.haha
Do you wear make up:
certain written above, im a simple person so during my usual day, i wear only lip balm n face powder.hehe
Paint your nails:
nope.inai la deyy
Shy or outgoing:
2 in 1.aha more like outgoing kot.
Sexy or cute:
sy prefer cute la.mak marah sexy2.hehe
Serious or fun: benci tension2
A turn on:
A turn off:
#sy x paham question ini tp men jawap je
This or That
Flowers or chocolates:choco la dey.sedap tuh
Pepsi or coke: neither
Rap or rock : rock sounds better
Relationship or one night stand: relationship.heh
School or work: can i choose marriage life.haha nak anak
Love or money: both please!
Movie or music: music.i need music more than movie
Country or city: country.
Sunny or rainy days: depends
Friends or family:of course family first.then my besties!!
Have you Ever
Lied: yea yea, dont ask to whom
Stole something: nabe, me too.really wanna stole yamapi's heart
Smoked: once n hate it.aya, it accidentaly happened.
Hurt someone close to you: i guess.heh
Broke someone's heart: err.some old story
Wonder what was wrong with you: everytime.hehe
Wish you were prince or princess: yeah.wanna give it a try.lalala
Like someone who was taken: nope.everyone already knew the rule.let's not break it.
Shaved your head: aha.takyah nak mengada
Used chopstick: with meggi.
Sang in the mirror to yourself: not now.
Flower: roses
Candy: candyman.heh
Song: by YUI.old
Scent: body shop.i cant rmmbr which one;
Color: in love with red
Movie: right now; slumpdog millionaire
Singers: news, arashi, YUI. *i changed it to singers
Junk food: keropok
Website: facebook, blog, news_jpop, some arashi site.
Location: japan, paris
Animal : kucin, markonah.
Ever cried over someone: err, if i say yess?
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: my bad attitude.
Do you think you're attractive: everyone does.haha
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: pocahontas.btol ke aku eje ni.agaga
Do you play any sports: netball;
Corny questionnaire.
1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
my school friend.kwn smpi mati
2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her.
suke kibum; suke nyanyi, jahat(babe im kidding), jiwang, ngade.hahaha
3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
willing to be my friend; syahdu tak?
4.The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
the only person who called me 'yin'.haha kak nab, kau sengal.
5. If he/she become your lover, you will..
ask her belanja stiap ari.yeay best2
6. If he/she become your enemy, you will..
taknak jumpe dahh
7. If he/she become your lover, he has to improve on his/her....
ala, tatau.
8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is..
sbb die taknak belanje.haha
9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
amek kibum die.haha menanges x berlagu la.
10. The overall impression of him/her is
nabe sengal.
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
hmphm.mrk rase bangga dpt kwn cm
12. The character of you for yourself is?
happy go lucky.aiseh
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
malas.bad thing
14. The most ideal person that you wanne be is?
nabe, aku nak jd yamapi punye bini gak.
15. For the people who likes you, say something about them?
aha, think twice babe;
16. 6 people to tag : sape yg rase tertagged.sille la yer.haha
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
guess what happens next.
my 1 week of holiday passed by just like that without any interesting stuff taknak balik belaja laa but homework like dem! gile bapak banyak weh.
the worst part is, i really dont have any interest to do it n i really2 need any stuff like catalyst emm if there's any to speed up my brain to work faster and efficiently while doing my homework. err no, even there's any catalyst sold here i dont think that i'll be able to do the homework as i am naturally orang pemalas.
err ayah slalu ckp 'farah slalu wat keje last minet, x elok laa.ehe'
'tapi yah, nak wat cmne.i do things better under a lot of pressure.'
emm that's what i told my ayah.but really saya tension bwat keje last minet.grr taknak bwat dah.taknak sudah
all i did these 7 days at home was,
# surfing the net
# downloading these arashi stuff.ehe in love with sakurai sho n ohno satoshi.
# emm.can i write these? helping mak sidai baju.naah no way this is so not true.
# tolong mak habiskan beras kat rumah
# last 2 days, emm watching mei-chan no shitsuji
# watching old series roswell.yess again n in love with max yess again.haha
and and tadi ktorg satu femly makan sate.yeay lame x mak la ni tgk cite cine kat tb mkn sate die pon nak mkn gak.haha lawak je.
dlm kete mse ayh isi minyak.ade org kentut.x snonoh.err kak long aku marah bersebab.
wakakakakaka agagagagaga.only those yg paham akan faham okess.
p/s - i really2 need new external hardisk sbb yg lame da pnuh.sape baek nak tolong? agagaga
Friday, March 13, 2009
mei chan no shitsuji

yeah after acted in hana kimi SP, we're going to watch him act in mei-chan no shitsuji.
mizushima hiro or usually known as nanba sempai.aha cant wait for the dvd.i already watched the drama till 8th eps but well u know, watching thru intrnet is not really great compared with the dvd waiting for the dvd so that ill be able to enjoy it to the max.ehe the storyline is quite good n i really love how the story able to put a lot of humour n love at the same love the romantic n cool nanba sempai with this gal, eikura nana n u know u're really fortunate girl to be able to act together with him! but eikura nana too is mecha mecha kawaii first, when i saw her with her short hairstyle, i was like 'omg,it's too short n her face look weird' but after goin thru this 8 eps, i think that hair just fit her.aha eikura nana u rawks n kawaii.
so now, some info here
title : Mei-chan no shitsuji
episodes : 10
broadcast period : 2009-Jan-13 start
theme song : my sunshine by ROCK`A´TRENCH
p/s - i need a butler!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
result SPM bebeh
for those my juniors korg mmh hebat, hehe cayalaaa.
smlm dak integomb ade kasik pointer skola but aku da lupe.tgk nnty kalo da dpt balik bole la edit balik post ni.
btw, korg sugoii!!
hehe teringat dlu2 mse dpt result, ayah teman amek smpi name kne panggil.seronot bangat! alhamdulillah. hehe but stiap kali amek result msty aku org yg pling lmbt dtg.takot ohh cuak2
for those yg agak keciwa, it's okey guys spm just an xm.mayb korg x perform now but who knows anything bout future aite? the most important things now is aim for the future, choose ur right path, then do ur best! the right things, the wrong things always happen.the one to choose the definite is ourself, on our own no whatever it may be dont you ever give up on anything u do as tomorrow will absolutely be different from today. we cant learn anything unless from our mistake; haha but dont do careless mistake. avoid it.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
shocking news.akira shock!!
it's about nishikido ryo,ryo-chan.and it's happen on 3rd march 2009.
Ryo Nishikido, a member of pop idol group News, caused a rear-end accident while driving a car on a section of an expressway in Tokyo’s Minato Ward on Sunday, injuring a woman in the other car, according to the Metropolitan Police Department.
Police suspect that Nishikido, 24, may have not been paying full attention while caught in heavy traffic on the metropolitan expressway way when the accident occurred at around 3:45 p.m. Nishikido’s car bumped into the car in front, which in turn collided with the car ahead of it, according to police. The woman in the car hit by Nishikido’s vehicle suffered minor injuries, police said.
Johnny's has banned Ryo from driving for 6 months, but he wasn't banned from his work in any way but everybody is not perfect right? poor ryo-chan. i just hope that Johnny will not punish him any further.anyway, im glad that he didnt get hurt that bad. sayaaang ryo-chan.Saturday, March 7, 2009
otanjoubi omedetou tanii sensei
Friday, March 6, 2009
hangout kat arcade.
sbb mafuza sensei tak dpt follow so ktorg kua sikit2 je.saje2 sape yg rajin nak ikut.last2 yg follow, hawa, jim,wan n anam.ktorg g mid je.lepak2ing kat arcade.
snarnye aku pnah msk tmpt ni skali je mse tmn abg shazrol dlu maen kete but lame sgt2 and aku sgtlah x reti maen ape2 game sekalipun.haha im really2 bad in anything involving game physically mentally or both.sgt la sengal n i really have no idea what stuff yg diorg suke sgt kat dlm ni.
but then, ble da msuk tgk mreka2 maen ni aku pun cm 'wow cambest je tgk.haha' then hawa pun ajak aku men satu game ketuk2 ni.ya ampun bpk sakit tgn n too bad, aku kalah la as usual.haha hawa nye tgn bapak laju eh.bdk2 len cm wan, anam jim sume kate tgn aku lembab.haha seb baek bkn orgnye.wakaka then aku tgk wan dgn kehebatannye mengekalkan kejuaraan die dlm stp game yg diinvolve.haha kau mmg hebat wan.ptot la sume pnggil kau wan hebat.wakaka jangan lipat aku n campak2 aku dr tingkat 4 weh.
aku ngn hawa pon try game basketball lps wan men dgn machonye n dpt 3++.aku tgk cm seronot n ajak hawa men same.ktorg men 2 org pon paling hebat smpi 1++ je.waaa geram ngn wan.rase nak sepak2 je wan sbb die terel sgt.haha pastuh aku sgt gian men game basketball uh.seronot2 best2 klaka2.
mule2 ktorg decide nk men boling but dak2 laki sume takmo men so terpakse cancel.lagipun wan da takde dwet.haha last2 ktorg berloafing sampai mlm bute.snap2 picca kat the gardens kat tingkat atas n berseronot je kejje sbb tade dwet la katekan.n n aku beli mag duet.yey yey yamapi sgt macho dlm uh.ureshiii ni narimashita.
then ktorg pon btolak balek smbil men game 'shizouka, shiozuke' sampai tergeliat lidah aku men.haha wan sengal nak tgk aku aku x kalah.yeah aku da jd hebat cm kau n pasnih wan da kne men game kt cc plak.die ni mmg gamers sejati even mate da merah2 pon nak maen gak.aku tabik.haha
dlm teksi berdialog dlm japanese ngn pacik teksi yg hebat bhsa jepun.yeap,this is true.x sngke ley jmpe pakcik boleh ckp jpon.borak ngn die best n byk la bnda die advise.thanks pacik.
balik um, beli air 100 plus dibelanja olah hawa comel.haha ktorg decide nk kaco party klass famey.n finally diorg pon ajak ktorg mkn skali.oh yea lupe ngn gtao, afia pon follow ktorg stat dr arcade td.okeh mse party sgt seronot bergaduh ngn rais.yeah aku rase cm aku menang.haha
makan ayam bbq, pisangyeah pisang, udang n etc etc.
as a conclusion, hari ni sgt seronottt.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
finally it's over!!
okes2 tokorode kite tuka topik yer..
today after gather kt adk1 n dpt homework yg blambak2 nak mampus cam gunung everest ktorg blek skjap tuka baju, balut present for sensei n went back to bs2 sbb ade PARTY! yeah
okes basically kat party of course la byk mknn aku takyah nak cite la just nak mention ktorg order domino's 16 boxes.haa bapak best okeh!! aku x larat nak mkn byk sgt so aku amek 3 pieces ckup tp diorg x caye.aku sepak sorg2 kang.
then ktorg pon snap pic blambak2 like BERLAMBAK2.haha ape aku merepek tah.
then, beep plan nak men game fruit basket(if im not mistaken la)
aku cm okey but aku x suke men rebut2 or anything involving running as i REALLY2 hate running ok.lari mmg sgt troublesome but aku just 'ok go one party b4 msuk 2 nensei en'
then ktorg stat maen uh.haha aku gile sgt teruk for anything yg related with GAME.haha that's the reason why i HATE game.haha conclusionnye aku kalah 2 kali.haha seb baek x lebey so aku takyah la kne batsu game tp sachin dgn tak malunye g bwt air cili ntok aku tp aku takyah minum sbb aku terel.yeah but siyes sgt lawak!! haha
lol n that day nazururu sensei truk kne ngn dak laki.haha cian sensei!!
but sangat2 seronot!!
the rest of it, picca
kamoku sensei no PARTY
pagi petang siang malam berPARTY.kau rase aktiviti sehat ke ni?
sehat ntok kite x sehat ntok perut kte.haha merepek
okes mlmnye ktorg mkn nasik goreng ngn ayam KFC.what am i doing here.mak tau msty x bagik.
waiting for all our subject's sensei but unfortunately,yes i know this is our spt yg kte tau ini yg mjadi kebanggaan melayu.janji melayu.sory sensei kitorg a bit late.n sensei x salah.moushiwake gozaimasen
okes even nanasawa sensei wasnt there ktorg go on jugak wif mori sensei n saitou sensei.
too bad for those yg x dgr.suare saito sensei sgt syok ok.bole jdik penyanyi n lagu uh mcm jd sgt romantik.haha sensei hebat
okes, sensei iro iro oshiete kudasatte, hontoni arigatou gozaimashita.mata 2 nensei ni aimashou!
the rest.picca